We are located in Hamburg in Pösel­dorf and there­fore close to numerous public trans­porta­tion options. Please contact us to make an appoint­ment. We also offer training and treat­ments on week­ends, just send us a request.

U‑Bahn: Line U1 stop Haller­straße, exit: Turmweg.

Bus: Line 15 to Alster­chaussee and line 19 to Böttgerstraße.

Parking is avail­able at the EDEKA customer parking lot directly oppo­site the Pösel­dor­f­center. Here you can park for one hour free of charge.

For privacy reasons Google Maps needs your permis­sion to be loaded. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.


If you have any ques­tions or would like to make an appoint­ment, please contact us by e‑mail: hamburg@studiofuer­­ — or by tele­phone: 040 4107273 — or simply write to us directly here:

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Owner: Kornelia Ritterpusch
Milch­straße 25
20148 Hamburg

Phone: 040 410 7273
Email: hamburg@studiofuer­­­­