About us

We are the Studio Für Körper­be­wusst­sein. Our focus is on the human being as a holistic indi­vidual. We have created a place to strengthen your health through the harmony of body, mind and soul. We support you in setting and achieving your personal goals.

Because we are convinced that increased body aware­ness not only strengthens flex­i­bility and endurance, but also inner balance. We accom­pany you on the path to your strong center.

About us

We are the studio for body aware­ness. Our focus is on the human being as a holistic indi­vidual. We have created a place to strengthen your health through the harmony of body, mind and soul. We support you in setting and achieving your personal goals.

Because we are convinced that increased body aware­ness not only strengthens flex­i­bility and endurance, but also inner balance. We accom­pany you on the path to your strong center.

Kornelia Ritterpusch


Emily Ritterpusch


Birgit Aghamiri


Barbara Kuhl


Felicia Jackson


Reinaldo Borges dos Santos





Our team consists of highly qual­i­fied trainers from various fields of health and move­ment work. From dance, yoga and medi­cine to tradi­tional Pilates.

All our trainers are trained and licensed in Pilates. Kornelia also has years of expe­ri­ence in teaching Gyro­tonic® and the use of Shiatsu. Each trainer has his or her own indi­vidual training style, which is influ­enced not only by their prac­tical back­ground but also by their personal expe­ri­ences and indi­vidual characters.

Training is also avail­able in English.

Our team consists of highly qual­i­fied trainers from various fields of health and move­ment work. From dance, yoga and medi­cine to tradi­tional Pilates.

All our trainers are trained and licensed in Pilates. Kornelia also has years of expe­ri­ence in teaching Gyro­tonic® and the use of Shiatsu. Each trainer has his or her own indi­vidual training style, which is influ­enced not only by their prac­tical back­ground but also by their personal expe­ri­ences and indi­vidual characters.

Training is also avail­able in English.