
Studio Für Körperbewusstsein
Milch­straße 25
20148 Hamburg

Phone: 040 410 7273
Email: hamburg@​studiofuerkoerperbewusstsein.​de

Amts­gericht Hamburg
Owner: Kornelia Ritterpusch

Respon­si­bile for the content:
Kornelia Ritter­pusch, Studio für Körperbewusstsein
Publi­ca­tion of the content and images of this website require the consent of the copy­right holder. This also applies to the publi­ca­tion of excerpts in other websites or elec­tronic media.

The domain owner and the author and person respon­sible for the “Studio für Körper­be­wusst­sein” website assume no liability for the content of the pages of our adver­tising part­ners, despite careful research and veri­fi­ca­tion of the under­lying sources. Any liability for the content and offers of these pages and any resulting damage is excluded.