
Gyro­tonic® is a holistic move­ment system whose partic­ular strength lies in the stim­u­la­tion of the entire body. It was devel­oped by Juliu Horvath, a former dancer and gymnast, in New York and combines move­ment sequences from dance, swim­ming, tai chi and gymnastics.

The flowing and circular sequences of move­ment work inter­re­lated func­tional muscle chains with the aim of simul­ta­ne­ously promoting strength, coor­di­na­tion and flex­i­bility. The effec­tive­ness of each indi­vidual exer­cise is supported by rhythmic breathing patterns. Partic­ular atten­tion is paid to the mobility of the spine in order to facil­i­tate the flow of chi (life energy) through the entire body.

The ther­a­peutic appli­ca­tion of Gyro­tonic® treats the pelvic girdle, shoulder girdle and scol­iosis. In addi­tion to the posi­tive aesthetic effect, Gyro­tonic® also promotes mobility, strength and fitness. It also releases block­ages and tension.
Gyro­tonic® improves the func­tion­ality of your entire body and stim­u­lates your cardio­vas­cular system and metab­o­lism. In addi­tion to regen­er­ating and strength­ening your immune system, Gyro­tonic® also promotes detox­i­fi­ca­tion of your metab­o­lism, coor­di­na­tion and motor body awareness.

Gyrotonic Übung an Gerät
Gyrotonic Gerät
Gyrotonic Gerät
Gyrotonic Übung an Gerät
Gyrotonic Gerät
Gyrotonic Gerät
Gyrotonic Übung an Gerät
Gyrotonic Gerät
Gyrotonic Gerät

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