
Shiatsu gently relieves tension, brings about soothing relax­ation, helps to alle­viate discom­fort and mobi­lizes the body’s self-healing powers at a deeper level.

Shiatsu comes from the Japanese and means “finger pres­sure”. This form of therapy is based on the assump­tion that invis­ible energy chan­nels flow through the body and are connected to all organs.

There are 365 pres­sure points on these merid­ians. If the energy is blocked by emotional stress, phys­ical tension and poor nutri­tion, conges­tion occurs. Pres­sure on the merid­ians and the corre­sponding pres­sure points allows the energy to flow again.

The prac­ti­tioner does not develop the right pres­sure through muscle strength, but from the center of the body (the hara). The pres­sure is conveyed through relaxed support, leaning and holding. Pres­sure is usually applied with the thumbs and fingers, some­times with the edges of the hands, elbows, knees and soles of the feet.

A Shiatsu treat­ment in the studio takes about 60 minutes.

Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu Massage

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